On this page, we have collected the best offers on travel, which we would recommend that you take advantage of right now. All the trips shown are private experience trips that you can take with your family or your travel partner on exactly the date that suits you best.
If none of the highlighted offers are of interest to you, you can go to the bottom, where we have collected three tips on how you can get a good deal on your next trip.
Have fun hunting for bargains!
We currently have three types of group travel; Yoga Retreats, trekking and Power Retreats. They are held on fixed dates with a fixed
price , and you just have to sign up during the specific trip, and then you’re in. See our upcoming trips further down the page.
Here we give you three tips on how you can find good deals on travel. That way, you can travel a little cheaper and maybe be able to afford to travel more. Often it is the plane
ticket that is the biggest expense when you have to travel. Our tips are therefore also based on what you can pay attention to in this area the next time you go to get a good
offer on your trip.
Few people can manage to think several months ahead when it comes to booking a trip. If you want a really good offer on your trip, you have to think about your desired destination and book your plane tickets – not necessarily your entire trip – well in advance.
Most airline tickets are released a year in advance, and the first seats sold on a flight are usually the cheapest. The price of the tickets that are sold after that often increases in line with demand. This means that you can save several thousand kroner if you get hold of the first seats, and this means a lot for the total price of your trip. However, it requires you to be quick and order at least half a year before departure.
When you’re out in good time, you also don’t run the risk that all the good hotels are sold out. On the other hand, you have several critically acclaimed hotels to choose from.
Most people want to depart on Friday or Saturday so that they can start their journey at the weekend, which causes the airfares on these days to increase. It is therefore often cheaper to travel on weekdays at the beginning or middle of the week. The same applies to the return journey day. Here, there are many who want to travel home on Saturday or Sunday, so that you are ready to start work on Monday. It is therefore often twice as expensive to travel these days.
The same pattern applies to seasons and industrial holidays (summer, Christmas, winter, autumn and Easter holidays). It is attractive for many to travel here, as there is a holiday, which causes the price of plane tickets to rise to sometimes double what you can get a similar plane ticket for outside of these peak seasons.
If you are flexible with the travel dates, there is a greater chance that you will get a good offer on your trip.
You often get a better travel offer if you can live with stopovers and a longer travel time compared to if you only go for the direct flights and the shortest possible travel time.
You can, for example, use the longer waiting time where you make a stopover to stretch your legs, which may be needed after sitting down for several hours on the plane. You can also use the time to research the last thing about your travel destination that you will be exploring soon.
Alternatively, you can use a few extra days at the destination where you stopover to explore it as well. Then it might not feel like an annoying stopover on the way to the destination, but like an extra exciting stop that can provide even more wonderful travel memories.
You can find more good tricks on how to find the cheapest plane tickets here: https://
We hope you can use our 3 tips. If you follow them before your next trip, we’re sure you’ll get a really good deal. If you don’t want to look for the good deals on travel yourself
based on the points above, you can safely leave it to us – We Will Be Happy To Help.